30 December 2012


Is anyone excited that it's the new year in 2 or 3 days (depending on where you're at).

So yesterday, my friends and I met up and we wanted to get into the festive spirit, and just because we like fireworks, we went to catch some fireworks. Initially, I wanted to take this chance to see how photographing fireworks would work (y'know to prepare myself for the actual new year's fireworks), like what's the best ISO to work with etc. But the unforgivable happened, I forgot my memory card. I can't even.

In the end, I had to use my iPhone's camera that couldn't really capture the fireworks. Through the iPhone it just looks like balls of flame and smoke smoke smoke everywhere. I did have a few, like really a few, good shots though. Ugh, note to self, never ever ever ever forget the memory card again. Geez.


Hope you guys enjoy the last few days of 2012 and may you guys have a wonderful 2013!
Stay gold, xx


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